Sat 23rd Nov -
Since I have about a week left of this project I thought now would be a good time to reflect and identify any issue i've had and things that need to be changed. I'm at the stage now where I have finished all my roughs for my book and am about to move forward onto the final outcome. One thing I need to work on is obvious, and that is the cover. So far I haven't done anything on the cover besides a few quick idea sketches, this is the main thing I will focus on for this final week of the project.
Issue number one for me, if you look at my coloured roughs ( is the first double page spread ! I'm not exactly sure why but I know that I really don't like it. I'd like to spend some time to re work it, but since from the beginning of this project I agreed to produce 4 final outcomes and the cover this page isn't my top priority. (Just something I will look into if I have the time)
I'd also like to go back and play with the darkness and shadows on the pages where the little girl is meant to be scared, I feel like the images aren't quite scary enough. I don't want them to be really scary since this is a book that would be read to or with a child before bed but at the moment the images don't feel dark enough to me.
Another thing I need to look at is layout, I've noticed by turning my images into a book using issue that some of the images meant to be on one page are too big and have crossed over the guttering. This won't be too difficult to rectify but it needs to be done none the less.
Finally I want to add the correct text to my images, rather than an indication of where text will go. This will help me work out exactly how much text is needed on each page, if pages need to be cut out and make me more aware to the relationship between text and image.
I am slightly worried that the book itself is 30 pages long so far. A standard children's book is 32 pages including the title and end pages, because of this I might need to shorten/take out a double page spread (but then I guess that could solve my issue of not liking the first page?)
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