As I mentioned earlier in my 'reflections' I was really unhappy with how my first double page spread looked. I was just going to leave it and not count it as one of my final outcomes but it was really bothering me so I went back to change it and here is what i've come up with for the new pages...
This was the first attempt to change it, I made the colours less 'in your face' and added a path to the image but it still didn't look right. I did like the characters in the scene though so I decided to keep them but just work on the background.
I drew a car and added colour and texture (from my ink dipping) to it, it made sense to have the car somewhere in the image even if it was only in the background since what the characters are meant to do doing is packing the car up with moving boxes to go to their new home.
The next thing I wanted to work on was the texture added, the textures in the earlier images just hadn't worked at all in my mind. But remembering how well the textures I made with ink worked when added subtly I decided to try making my own drawn grass texture to add. (above)
This ended up being the new outcome. I think it still needs some work before it becomes a final outcome but it's much better than what I had before !